Maybe the greatest ‘Brit’ that has ever lived

This will be a short post for now, but I intend to add to it as I learn more about the man who brought the first English translation of the New Testament and a sizeable portion of the Old Testament to the English speaking peoples.

Tyndale was born to Welsh parents and lived his childhood on the Welsh borders in Gloucestershire, he was educated at Oxford but had to flee to Europe when his anti-Roman Catholic views became known about and his life was imperilled. 

He famously said, “I defy the pope, and all his laws;” “If god spared my life, ere many ears I will cause a boy that drives the plough to know more of the Scripture than he (the pope).


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He is risen

“The Lord is risen – He is risen indeed” is the familiar greeting to be exchanged by millions of Christian Believers this Easter Sunday morning. It is the truth of this statement which makes everything worthwhile, for as Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers- “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” (1Cor 15:13-4). A few verses later Paul went on to write, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” (v19), but that is surely the point, it is not only in this life we have hope, but for all eternity.

It is this steadfast and certain conviction which empowers Christians to suffer for their faith in God. Jesus told the story of a rich man who died and was burning in torment in hell, he looked up and saw a beggar who during his lifetime on Earth had sat at the gate of his house begging – now comforted for all eternity in the bosom of Abraham. There is much to take from this story, but my point in this case is that the sufferings of this life (for righteousness sake) are not to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us in the next life.

Let us not try and save our lives,but commit them into the hands of Him who rose from the grave triumphant for all men who would simply put their trust in Him for eternal life.

Have a blessed and joyful Easter.

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The Prince of the Power of the Air

Paul wrote to the Church in Ephesus – Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: [3] Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.. (Ephesians 2:2-3h When could such a picture be more appropriate than in the 21st Century world in which we live in?

One week ago today, Pastor Agu Irukwu the senior pastor of Jesus House in London had garnered more than 54% of the votes in a competition to determine who was the Most Inspiration Black Person From 66 nominees put forward by the Mayor of London and Metro Newspaper, yet it took a week for the winner to be announced and then in such a surreptitious manner that unless you knew to look for him by name you wouldn’t even find the article announcing it.

Had Nelson Mandela won the competition, I suspect that British Airways would have flown him and his entourage from South Africa first class and that the Queen and David Cameron would have held a banquet in London in his honour. How the world loves their own and hates the ‘Children of Light’. Still our reward is in heaven.

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Disappointment Precedes Delight

When I read the account of how the prophet Samuel came to anoint David to be Saul’s replacement as King of Israel I thought how the day must have started off for David and Eliab.

Eliab, the tallest, most handsome of Jesse’s sons is ‘surely’ the Lord’s chosen according to the thinking of Samuel, and David the ‘runt of the litter’ doesn’t even make it to the feast, because he is assigned the job of looking after his father’s few sheep. Samuel, that righteous man of God who the Lord trusted with some pretty weighty jobs (like giving the current king, who has the power of life and death over his subjects, his notice of redundancy) is even moved to state, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him”. Not so responded the Lord, Get a grip on yourself man, when will you learn that I don’t look at people the way that they look at themselves.

For all we know, Jesse may have sent Eliab to tell David to come to the feast and t take care of the sheep for David whilst he was away from them. What a turn around that would have been for the senior son of the family. Psalms 75:7 puts it this way – But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

What started off as a day full of hope and promise for Eliab led to disappointment, but what started off as a day of disappointment for David ended up with delight. As far as the Lord was concerned it was all a matter of the heart.

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First blog from an Apple iPad

Earlier today I was sat in a restaurant in Salisbury with my former pastor and friend, during our conversation I accessed my laptop computer screen from my iPad. No big deal you may say and I would agree, but imagine such a scenario 28 years ago just about the time when I started to work in IT. IBM System 36’s and DEC PDP 11-23’s were still the order of the day and as for the PC it was still some years away to say nothing of the tablet devices which million of people are running around with today.

Has all this technology – which we are promised will enhance our lives, really lived up to the promises of the marketeers and purveyors of innumerable gadgets, all of which seem to irradiate us with electro magnetic radiation very close to the wavelength of our microwave ovens?

A well educated and influential man back in the 1st century AD once said, “With food and clothing – be content”. Was he right, Is that all we need to be content? Yes if the Prince of Peace is ruling in our hearts then all will be well.

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The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

That’s what Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his inaugural speech during the great depression of 1933.

Today there is a different type of fear gripping people than just the fear of financial meltdown. This fear is much more pervasive as it seems that a great deal of the modern world is under its grip, it’s the fear of Islam, or so called ‘Militant Islam’

Why should a nation like Great Britain which has stood against the onslaught of Nazi Germany and the Axis powers for 5 years, held its nerve against the former USSR for 40 years and throughout history has successfully fended off those nations which would have enslaved or subjugated the people had they been successful in their endeavours?

The answer is a simple one, the people of Britain have been robbed of their faith in an Almighty God and in his Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

Humanism has made great advances in Britain since the end of the 2nd World War. The permissive society and all of its excesses have robbed normal people of any confidence that they may have had towards God and as a result of people constantly violating their consciences, the idea that once our physical bodies die then that is the end has seemingly become not just fashionable but widely believed in British society.

If a person does not believe that there is anything to look forward to beyond their earthly sojourn then there is neither reason to deny themselves any pleasure available, and to do anything which may in any way risk shortening or harming that all too brief span of life.

Muslims on the other hand believe that there is life to be lived after they shuffle off this mortal coil and that the more infidels which they kill in the name of Allah whilst inhabiting this earth then greater will be their reward in Paradise.

Now here is the really sad part of the story, Christians believe that the unbelieving atheists and misguided Muslims are both wrong, but because the spirit of cowardice has so effectively entered the Church, then in general there is no way that Christian leaders are going to go public and say so.

Rev Terry Jones the infamous preacher from Florida who recently held a mock trial which culminated in the burning of a copy of the Koran is unsurprisingly being lambasted across the world for his actions and probably in any other nation of the world would have been arrested for carrying out such a spectacle. I personally do not agree that his actions were in keeping with the behaviour expected of a leader in the Body of Christ, BUT I do think that at least he has the courage of his convictions.

Many Christian believers today in Britain are ashamed of their faith in Jesus christ; they don’t talk about their relationship with their Heavenly Father, they wouldn’t be seen publically carrying a copy of the bible through the streets, in fact I have observed on several occasions in London people walking along on a Sunday morning dressed in a smart suit carrying their bible in a carrier bag. Why is this the case? Before I answer that I want to make one more comment. When you ask Christians are they ready to go to Glory? The response often is, “I have too much to do for the Lord to die yet”. The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:23 that he longed to depart to be with the Lord which is better by far.

Atheists and humanists are understandably risk averse but sadly many Christian believers are also. As we have discussed earlier, there are good reasons for people who believe that this life is all there is, but why should people who have had their understanding enlightened to believe that the life we now life in the body is a very poor second for the life which we shall live when we receive our resurrection bodies and our eternal habitation?

The NIV translation of the bible renders Proverbs 29:18 like this. “where there is no revelation (vision), the people cast off restraint”.

If the content of our Sunday sermons is all about us, our blessings and how  we can live lives of prosperity, have better jobs, better houses, better cars, enjoy good health, rebuke any and everything which comes against our comfort and then in by and by we can enter into our eternal reward then this is surely another gospel to the one which the Apostle Paul preached and for which he suffered greatly.

During the last few months I have ordered several copies of a book entitled ‘Vanya’ be shipped to different pastors who I have met in my promotion of Operation – Great Britain. This book tells the true story of a 19 year old Russian boy who during the Cold War was conscripted into the Russian Army. one morning Vanya was late for muster, when asked by the Sergeant Major why he was late, he sreplied. “I am sorry for being late sir, I was praying”. This response started a process of every weapon in Satan’s arsenal being levelled aainst this young Christian believer until at the last he was murdered by his tormentors for refusing to deny his Lord.

The parents of Vanya after arriving at the army camp to collect the body of their son, where told by the Commandant who had instigated the torture and ultimate murder of their son, “Your son died a Christian”.

During the course of the book you can read how everytime that a real trial of Vanya’s faith happened, that the Lors stood by his side prior to the event to give him the courage and faith needed to withstand the ordeal.

Dear Christian brother or sister, if you have read this far then please let us not settle for a supposedly comfortable existence on this earth, because that is just what it is – an existence and not a life.

To Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us …..

The whole of the world is waiting for us, the Church of the Living God to be manifested, let us like the early church when it was under siege cry out to the Lord to give us boldness and courage so that we can do what Charles Wesley wrote about in his wonderful battle cry Stand up, stand up for Jesus – “Let courage rise with danger and strngth to strength oppose”.



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